Specifications for photos®ion=international
Size and paper
The length of the face on the photo from chin to crown of head (natural top of head) must be between 31 mm (1 1/4 in.) and 36 mm (1 7/16 in.).
The photos must measure 50 mm X 70 mm in size (2 inches wide X 2 3/4 inches long).
The photos must be a close-up of the head and shoulders so that the face covers approximately 25% of the photo.
The photos must be printed on plain, high quality photographic paper. Heavy weight paper is unacceptable.
Either black and white or colour photos are acceptable.
The photos provided will be printed in the passport. In order for our equipment to read the photo correctly, applicants are asked not to smile.
Photos must be taken against a plain white or light-coloured background so that the applicant’s features are clearly distinguishable against the background. There should be enough contrast between the background and the traits or clothing.
Shadows are unacceptable. Lighting must be uniform to avoid shadows across the face or shoulders, around the ears or in the background.
There must be no reflection or glare on the face or glasses.
Applicant must show a neutral facial expression (no smiling, mouth closed) and look straight at the camera.
Eyes must be open and clearly visible. Glasses, including tinted prescription glasses, are acceptable as long as the eyes are clearly visible and there is no glare in the glasses. Sunglasses and red eyes are unacceptable.
Photos must show a full head without any head covering, unless it is worn for religious beliefs or medical reasons. However, both edges of the face must be clearly visible.
Photos must show a full front view of the face and top of the shoulders squared to the camera (the image of the face and shoulders must be centered in the photo).
Photos must be clear, sharp and in focus.
Photos must be originals and not taken from an existing photo.
You must be a commercial photographer to provide acceptable passport photos.
The name of the photographer or studio, the address and the date the photo was taken (not the date the photo was printed) must be provided directly on the back of one photo (see illustration above). The photographer may handwrite this information. Stick-on labels are unacceptable. Sufficient space must be allowed for the name of the applicant, the signature of the guarantor and the guarantor’s declaration.
One photo must be signed by a guarantor as a true likeness of the applicant, unless the passport application is being made through the Simplified Renewal Application Process. If that is the case, no guarantor is necessary.
A notary seal must not be imprinted on the photos.
Duties of a guarantor
Your guarantor must perform the following tasks free of charge:
Complete and sign the "Declaration of Guarantor" section.
Write, "I certify this to be a true likeness of (either your name or your child's name)" on the back of one of the passport photos and sign.
If applicable, sign and date a copy of each document to support your identity.
Eligible guarantors
Your guarantor must:
Hold a five-year Canadian passport that is valid* or has been expired for no more than one year, on the day you submit your application;
Have known you personally for at least two (2) years.In the case of a child, have known you (parent or legal guardian) personally for at least two (2) years and have knowledge of the child;
Be a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older;
Have been 16 years of age or older when he or she applied for his or her own passport;
Provide the requested information contained in his or her passport;
Be accessible to Passport Canada for verification;
Reside in Canada, in the United States or in any of the areas where submission of the "in Canada and in the USA" application form is authorized, e.g.: Bermuda. It is not necessary that the guarantor reside in the same country as the applicant.
In cases where provincial family services have placed a child for adoption with a family, the Provincial Director of Family Services, the Director of the Family Services Agency or the Director of the Incorporated Institution (in Quebec) may also sign as guarantor until the adoption is final (probationary adoption).
A family member or any individual residing at your address may be your guarantor provided he or she meets the specified requirements. Please note however that if you are the parent or legal guardian applying for a passport for your child, you cannot act as guarantor.
國家 : 加拿大
生效日期 : 03-Jul-2003
地址 : 香港中環交易廣場 1 期 12 樓
辨公時間 : 上午8:30至11:30 ( 逢星期三休息 )
電話號碼 : 2827-7424
証 件 類 別 是 否 須 辦 簽 証 簽 証 表 格 近 照 身 分 證 工 作 天 証 件 所 須 有 效 期 簽 証 及 手 續 費 可 停 留 期 限
BNO 不須 - - - - 6個月 - 90日
香 港 C. I. 須 1式3份 2 副本 4 6個月 港幣 $ 600
香 港 D.I. 須 1式3份 2 副本 4 6個月 港幣 $ 600
香 港 特 區 護 照 不須 - - - - 6個月 - 90日
葡 國 護 照 不須 - - - - 6個月 - 90日
澳門特區護照 須 1式3份 2 副本 4 6個月 港幣 $ 600
澳門特區旅行証 須 1式3份 2 副本 4 6個月 港幣 $ 600
附 加 文 件 : 上 列 收 費 已 包 括 辦 理 簽 証 之 費 用 及 本 公 司 代 辦 有 關 申 請 所 徵 收 之 手 續 費
客人須提交之文件 :
1)《 僱 主 》公司商業登記證副本、個人經濟証明副本、稅單或入息証明副本
2)《 僱 員 》公司放假信、個人經濟証明副本、稅單或入息証明副本
3)《 公 務 員 》放假紙、個人經濟証明副本、稅單或入息証明副本
4)《 主 婦 、 退 休 人 士 》個人經濟証明副本、結婚証書副本、丈夫之稅單或入息証明副本
5)《 學 生 》學生手冊、出世紙副本及父母之稅單正本
注 意 事 項 :
1) 申請人如欲申領多程入境簽証,須額外繳交HKD$450之附加簽証費(獲批與否,由領事館決定)
2) 如客人持有美國綠咭(Green Card),亦可豁免簽証進入加拿大
豁 免 入 境 簽 証 : 下 列 國 家 之 護 照 持 有 人 前 往 加 拿 大 可 豁 免 入 境 簽 証
Austria 奧 地 利 Spain 西 班 牙 Barbuda 百 慕 達
Brunei 汶 萊 Belgium 比 利 時 Slovenia 斯 洛 文 尼 亞
Sweden 瑞 典 Solomon Islands 所 羅 門 群 島 Andorra 安 道 爾
Australia 澳 洲 Saudi Arabia 沙 地 阿 拉 伯 Switzerland 瑞 士
Singapore 新 加 坡 Bahamas 巴 哈 馬 Botswana 波 扎 那
Barbados 巴 巴 多 斯 U.S.A. 美 國 United Kingdom 英 國
Costa Rica 哥 斯 達 黎 加 Denmark 丹 麥 France 法 國
Cyprus 塞 浦 路 斯 Finland 芬 蘭 Germany 德 國
Iceland 冰 島 Greece 希 臘 Ireland 愛 爾 蘭
Italy 意 大 利 Liechtenstein 列 支 敦 士 登 Japan 日 本
Malta 馬 耳 他 Portugal 葡 萄 牙 Korea 南 韓
Namibia 納 米 比 亞 New Zealand 紐 西 蘭 San Marino 聖 馬 利
Papa New Guinea 新 幾 內 亞 Mexico 墨 西 哥 Luxembourg 盧 森 堡
Netherlands 荷 蘭 Norway 挪 威 Monaco 摩 納 哥